Oral Presentations
Allen, R. C., Suprathermal to Energetic Particles in the Heliosphere: What do they tell us and why are they useful? (Invited Plenary), Oral presentation at the Solar Heliospheric and INterplanetary Environment (SHINE) Workshop, Juneau, AK.
Allen, R. C., et al., Radial Variation of Suprathermal Particles Associated with Corotating Interaction Regions, Oral presentation at the Solar Orbiter/Parker Solar Probe/DKIST meeting, San Antonio, TX.
Allen, R. C., et al., A Mosaic of the Inner Heliosphere: Three Carrington Rotations During the Whole Heliosphere and Planetary Interactions Interval (Invited), Oral presentation at the WHPI Virtual Colloquia
Allen, R. C., et al., Exploring the Impacts of Corotating Interaction Regions in the Inner Heliosphere (Invited), Oral presentation at the Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) Seminar Series, San Antonio, TX.
Allen, R. C., et al, Cross-calibration Efforts between Solar Orbiter HIS and SIS, Oral presentation at the Solar Orbiter Working Group Meeting, Madrid, Spain.
Allen, R. C., et al., Radial Variation of Suprathermal Particles Associated with Corotating Interaction Regions, Oral presentation at the American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
Allen, R. C., et al., Interplanetary Mesoscale Observatory (InterMeso): A mission to untangle dynamic mesoscale structures throughout the heliosphere (Invited), Oral presentation at the Solar Heliospheric and INterplanetary Environment (SHINE) Workshop, Stowe, VT.
Allen, R. C., Multipoint observations in the inner heliosphere: Challenges for data analysis (Invited), Oral presentation at the Solar Heliospheric and INterplanetary Environment (SHINE) Workshop, Stowe, VT.
Allen, R. C., Overview of future mission concepts to explore large scale transients (Invited), Oral presentation at the Solar Heliospheric and INterplanetary Environment (SHINE) Workshop, Stowe, VT.
Allen, R. C., et al., Interplanetary Mesoscale Observatory (InterMeso): A mission to untangle dynamic mesoscale structures throughout the heliosphere (Invited), Oral presentation to the National Academies of Sciences Decadal Survey for Solar and Space Physics (Heliophysics) 2024-2033: Panel on the Physics of the Sun and Heliosphere, Virtual.
Allen, R. C., et al., Interplanetary Mesoscale Observatory (InterMeso): A mission to untangle dynamic mesoscale structures throughout the heliosphere, Oral presentation at the American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, Chicago, IL.
Allen, R. C., Contributions of Solar Orbiter to our understanding of Solar Energetic Particles (Invited), Oral presentation at the American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, Chicago, IL.
Allen, R. C., Advances in Understanding Suprathermal Particle Populations at Transients From the Heliophysics System Observatory (Invited), Oral presentation Triennial Earth-Sun Summit, Bellevue, WA.
Allen, R. C., Parker Solar Probe In the Multi-Messenger Era (Invited), Oral presentation at the International Astronomical Union General Assembly, Busan, South Korea
Allen, R. C., Heliophysics missions and instrumentation: Past progress towards future implementations (Invited plenary), Geospace Environment Modeling (GEM) Workshop, Honolulu, HI.
Allen, R. C., et al., Heliospheric Distributed In-Situ Constellation (HelioDISC): A mission to untangle the dynamic mesoscale Sun-Earth connection (Invited), Oral presentation at The CU-Boulder LASP Colloquia, virtual meeting
Allen, R. C., et al., Sources of Energetic Ions Associated with CMEs: Multi-Spacecraft Analysis of the 2021 October 9 CME, Oral Presentation at the PSP Radio & SEP Working Group, virtual meeting
Allen, R. C., et al., Heliospheric Distributed In-Situ Constellation (HelioDISC): A mission to untangle the dynamic mesoscale Sun-Earth connection (Invited), Oral presentation at Goddard Space Flight Center HSD Colloquia, virtual meeting
Allen, R. C., et al., Heliospheric Distributed In-Situ Constellation (HelioDISC): A mission to untangle the dynamic mesoscale Sun-Earth connection (Invited), Oral presentation at the SolFER Drive Center Colloquia, virtual meeting
Allen, R. C., et al., Energetic Ions in the Venusian System: Insights from the First Solar Orbiter Flyby, Oral presentation at the American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
Allen, R. C., et al., Heliospheric Distributed In-Situ Constellation (HelioDISC): A mission to untangle the dynamic mesoscale Sun-Earth connection (Invited), Oral presentation at the Mini-Geospace Environment Modeling Workshop, New Orleans, LA
Allen, R. C., et al., Heliospheric Distributed In-Situ Constellation (HelioDISC): A mission to untangle the dynamic mesoscale Sun-Earth connection (Invited), Oral presentation to the Parker Solar Probe Theory & Modeling Group, virtual meeting
Allen, R. C., Parker Solar Probe: Ushering a New Frontier in Space Physics (Invited), Oral lecture at the Galesville Astrophysical Society, virtual public lecture
Allen, R. C., et al., Stream Interaction Regions in the Inner Heliosphere (Invited), Oral presentation at the Solar Orbiter "CMEs, CIRs, HCS and large-scale structure" working group, virtual seminar
Allen, R. C., et al., Energetic Ions in the Venusian System: Insights from the First Orbiter Flyby (Invited), Oral presentation at the Solar Orbiter "shocks and particle energization" working group, virtual seminar
Allen, R. C., et al., Stream Interaction Regions in the Inner Heliosphere: Insights from the First Four Orbits of Parker Solar Probe, Oral presentation at COSPAR, virtual meeting
Allen, R. C., et al., Suprathermal Ions in the Outer Heliosphere (Invited), Oral presentation at COSPAR, virtual
Allen, R. C., et al., EPD Suprathermal Ion Spectrograph (SIS) First Observations (Invited), Oral presentation at the Solar Orbiter "Origin and Transport of Energetic Particles" working group, virtual seminar
Allen, R. C., et al., Radial and temporal evolution of stream interaction regions and co-rotating interaction regions (Invited), Oral presentation at the University of New Hampshire Space Science Center Seminar, virtual colloquia
Allen, R. C., et al., Radial evolution of CIRs (Invited), Oral presentation at the 19th Parker Solar Probe SWG Meeting, virtual
Allen, R. C., Parker Solar Probe Show and Tell (Invited), Oral presentation and tutorial for the First Whole Heliosphere & Interplanetary Interactions Show and Tell Day, virtual
Allen, R. C., et al., Solar wind as a source of magnetospheric plasma (Invited), Oral presentation at the Japanese Geoscience Union (JpGU) meeting, virtual meeting
Allen, R. C., et al., Radial and temporal evolution of stream interaction regions and corotating interaction regions (invited), Oral presentation for the PSP Theory and Modeling Telecon, virtual colloquia series
Allen, R. C., et al., Solar wind as a source of magnetospheric plasma (2-part invited seminar), Oral presentation at the SMILE Theory and Modeling Telecon, virtual colloquia series
Allen, R. C., et al., Radial and temporal evolution of high-speed streams observed at Parker Solar Probe and 1 au (invited), Parker Solar Probe Science Working Group Meeting, virtual colloquia series
Allen, R. C., et al., Stream interaction regions in the inner heliosphere: Insights from the first four orbits of Parker Solar Probe, Oral presentation at the European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly, virtual meeting
Allen, R. C., et al, Solar wind streams and stream interaction regions observed by Parker Solar Probe with corresponding observations at one au and a look to the future (Invited), Oral presentation at the International Space Weather Action Team (ISWAT) Meeting, Cape Canaveral, FL.
Allen, R. C., et al, Solar wind streams and stream interaction regions observed by Parker Solar Probe with corresponding observations at one au, Oral presentation at the American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
Allen, R. C., et al, Solar wind streams and stream interaction regions observed by Parker Solar Probe with corresponding observations at one au, Oral presentation at the PSP SWG meeting, Pasadena, CA.
Allen, R. C., G. C. Ho, L. K. Jian, D. Lario, and G. M. Mason, Stream/corotation interaction region warning capabilities from an L5 monitor, Oral presentation at the L5/L* Consortium meeting, Palo Alto, CA.
Allen, R. C., K. Sorathia, S. K. Vines, D. G. Mitchell, C. P. Paranicas, and S. A. Livi, Solar Wind Source of Plasma within a Magnetosphere: Lessons learned from Earth and Saturn (Invited), Oral presentation at the Ion Composition in the Sun Earth System (ICSES) meeting, Durango, CO.
Allen, R. C., Search for CIR intervals with PSP: What we know and hope to know about the evolution of CIRs, Oral presentation at the SWEAP Science Team Meeting #11, Ann Arbor, MI.
Allen, R. C., V. G. Merkin, C. P. Paranicas, and A. M. Rymer, Exploring the Processes of Solar Wind Access to the Magnetosphere of Saturn, Oral presentation at the Cassini MIMI Team Meeting, Laurel, MD.
Allen, R. C., S. K. Vines, B. J. Anderson, J. H. Lee, D. L. Turner, S. Toledo-Redondo, L. M. Kistler, M. André, M. W. Dunlop, and B. Klecker, Outer magnetospheric EMIC wave source regions characterized by Cluster, Oral presentation at the Geospace Environment Modeling (GEM) Workshop, Santa Fe, NM.
Allen, R. C., S. A. Livi, D. G. Mitchell, C. Paranicas, S. K. Vines, and J. M. Manweiler. Solar Wind as a Source of Magnetospheric Plasma: Comparing Earth and Saturn, Oral presentation at the Triennial Earth Sun Summit (TESS), Leesburg, VA.
Allen, R. C., D. G. Mitchell, C. P. Paranicas, D. C. Hamilton, G. Clark, A. M. Rymer, S. K. Vines, E. C. Roelof, S. M. Krimigis, and J. Vandegriff, Internal versus external sources of plasma at Saturn: Overview from MIMI/CHEMS, Oral presentation at the Magnetospheres of Outer Planets (MOP) Meeting, Boulder, CO.
Allen, R. C., C. P. Paranicas, G. C. Ho, S. K. Vines, D. C. Hamilton, C. G. Mitchell, S. A. Livi, D. G. Sibeck, and S. M. Krimigis, Cassini observations of the distant magnetotail and sheath Variability and extent of the magnetosheath in the distant tail, Oral presentation at the Geospace Environment Modeling (GEM) Workshop, Santa Fe, NM.
Allen, R. C., G. Ho, and G. Mason, Suprathermal ion composition associated with CIRs, Oral presentation at the ACE team meeting, Laurel, MD.
Allen, R. C., S. A. Livi, S. K. Vines, J. Goldstein, I. J. Cohen, S. A. Fuselier, B. Mauk, and H. E. Spence, Storm-time empirical model of 1-200 keV/e O+ and O6+ distributions in the magnetosphere, Oral presentation at the American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
Allen, R. C., S. A. Livi, S. K. Vines, J. Goldstein, I. J. Cohen, S. A. Fuselier, B. Mauk, and H. E. Spence, Storm-time empirical model of 1-200 keV/e O+ and O6+ distributions in the magnetosphere, Oral presentation at the Geospace Environment Modeling (GEM) Workshop, Portsmouth, VA.
Allen, R. C., Plasma sources and evolution in the global magnetosphere and wave generation in the outer magnetosphere, Oral dissertation defense at SwRI/UTSA, San Antonio, TX.
Allen, R. C. and A. Saikin, Introduction to GEM, Oral presentation at the Geospace Environment Modeling (GEM) workshop, Santa Fe, NM.
Allen, R. C., S. A. Livi, and J. Goldstein, An empirical model of oxygen charge state distributions in the Earth's magnetosphere, Oral presentation at the 2nd Astronomy and Space Physics Graduate Student Symposium, San Antonio, TX.
Allen, R. C., Sources and evolution of magnetospheric plasma as seen through oxygen ion charge states, Oral Thesis Proposal presented at Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio, TX, Thesis Committee: Stefano Livi, Dave McComas, Frederic Allegrini, Ted Fritz, and Kelly Nash.
Allen, R. C., J.-C. Zhang, L. M. Kistler, H. E. Spence, R.-L., Lin, B. Klecker, M. W. Dunlop, M. Andre, and V. K. Jordanova, A statistical study of EMIC waves observed by Cluster: Exploring the importance of Shabansky orbits, Oral presentation at the Geospace Environment Modeling (GEM) workshop, Snowmass, CO.
Allen, R. C. and I. Cohen, What is GEM?, Oral presentation at the Geospace Environment Modeling (GEM) workshop, Snowmass, CO.
Allen, R. C., S. A. Livi, and J. Goldstein, Average spatial distributions of oxygen charge states in the global magnetosphere as observed by Polar, Oral presentation at the 1st Astronomy and Space Physics Graduate Student Symposium, San Antonio, TX.
Allen, R. C., Tutorial: Solar and Heliospheric Missions and Measurements, Oral presentation at the Solar Heliospheric and INterplanetary Environment (SHINE) Confrence, Telluride, CO.
Allen, R. C., J.-C. Zhang, L. M. Kistler, H. E. Spence, R.-L., Lin, B. Klecker, M. W. Dunlop, M. Andre, and V. K. Jordanova, A statistical study of EMIC waves observed by Cluster: 1. Wave properties, Oral presentation at the Geospace Environment Modeling (GEM) workshop, Portsmouth, VA.
Allen, R. C., J.-C. Zhang, L. M. Kistler, H. E. Spence, R.-L., Lin, B. Klecker, M. W. Dunlop, M. Andre, and V. K. Jordanova, A statistical study of EMIC waves observed by Cluster: 2. Associated plasma conditions, Oral presentation at the Geospace Environment Modeling (GEM) workshop, Portsmouth, VA.
Allen, R. C., J.-C. Zhang, L. M. Kistler, H. E. Spence, R.-L., Lin, B. Klecker, and M. W. Dunlop, Spatial distributions and properties of EMIC waves observed by Cluster, Oral presentation at the Geospace Environment Modeling (GEM) workshop, Snowmass, CO.
Allen, R. C., J.-C. Zhang, L. M. Kistler, H. E. Spence, R.-L., Lin, B. Klecker, M. W. Dunlop, and M. Andre, Multiple bidirectional EMIC waves observed by Cluster at middle magnetic latitudes in the dayside magnetosphere, Oral presentation at the Geospace Environment Modeling (GEM) workshop, Snowmass, CO.
Allen, R. C., J.-C. Zhang, L. M. Kistler, C. G. Mouikis, and G. Wang, Comparison of two EMIC waves and their associated plasma conditions, Oral presentation at the Geospace Environment Modeling (GEM) workshop, Snowmass, CO.
Allen, R. C., J.-C. Zhang, L. M. Kistler, C. G. Mouikis, and G. Wang, Comparison of two EMIC waves with Linear Theory, Oral presentation at the Geospace Environment Modeling (GEM) workshop, Snowmass, CO.
Allen, R. C., S. Cockrell, B. Hiller, P. Gonzalez, and R. E. Lopez, Variations of the Polar Cap Boundary location based on solar wind parameters, Oral presentation at the Joint Fall 2010 Meeting of the Texas Sections of the APS, AAPT, and SPS, San Antonio, TX.
Allen, R. C. and S. Pankavich, Instability of BGK waves in a model of plasma dynamics, Oral presentation at the Mathematical Association of America's (MAA) MathFest, Pittsburgh, PA.
Allen, R. C., E. J. Mitchell, R. Bruntz, A. Pembroke, and R. E. Lopez, Effects of the interplanetary magnetic field on the polar cap open flux, Oral presentation at the UTA senior seminar, Arlington, TX.
Allen, R. C. and S. Pankavich, Instability of BGK waves in a model of plasma dynamics, Oral presentation at the Center for Undergraduate Research in Mathematics (CURM) Spring Confrence, Provo, UT.
Allen, R. C., S. Cockrell, R. E. Lopez, D. Brewer, E. J. Mitchell, The effect of large By on currents in the polar cap, Oral presentation at the Joint Fall 2009 Meeting of the Texas Sections of the APS, AAPT, and SPS, San Marcos, TX.
Allen, R. C., J. Landivar, and R. E. Lopez, A table of ionospheric boundaries and solar wind conditions, Oral presentation at the Joint Spring 2009 Meeting of the Texas Sections of the APS, AAPT, and SPS, Stephenville, TX.